Soon after we got there we headed to The Cheesecake Factory. We were stuffed after lunch, but we bought one slice of cheesecake to split between the five of us. Caitlin was a bit possessive regarding the cheesecake.
Ironically enough so was more interested in the whipped cream than the cheesecake. Granda would be proud!
The Irishman wanted to have Caitlin make a bear for her baby brother. Nana and Granda made Caitlin a Panda before she was born that we used to take her monthly pictures with, so he thought it would be nice to make one for the baby.
The more we talked about it, we’d decided that she should just make a bear for herself. In all actuality, she saw “her panda” and didn’t understand why she couldn’t just take him home. You can tell by the photo that there had been some tears involved. The poor thing was distraught. She didn’t understand what Panda was doing here and why she couldn't take him home with her.
Once we realized there was not going to be a good ending to this situation we put the bears back and left the store with our screaming child. We strapped her into the stroller with her pacifier and walked the mall around until she (eventually) fell asleep. I’m not sure who was more disappointed and upset…Caitlin or her daddy!
After an hour or so of shopping/napping Caitlin woke up having forgotten about the panda incident. (I can't say the same about the Irishman though!) On our way out we stopped to take some photos with the alligators.
We got back to the car seconds before the skies opened up. What a storm! By the time we got home I needed a nap, but it was a nice trip! Caitlin LOVES spending time with her aunties!
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