Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Trip to the Theater

For Caitlin’s birthday, Nana treated the family to tickets to see a children’s play. The show was A Bear, A Caterpillar, and the Moon and it was a black light puppet show of some of Eric Carle’s most beloved stories. The Irishman and I are both huge Eric Carle fans, so we were thrilled to get to take Caitlin to see the show.

We brought some Eric Carle books and toys with us to the show. Caitlin loves her animal noises right now, so Brown Bear, Brown Bear is a favorite!


The show was really well done.  They declared it a, “No Shh-ing” show, so we didn’t worry when she shouted out the name or sound of the different animals. It was just right for little kids! Caitlin sat through the whole show.

I found this video from another show by the same company to show what it was like:

At the end the two puppeteers came back on stage to show how some of the puppets worked.

(We brought no camera with us, so all photos are from our phones. You get the idea though!)
After the show the nice people from Whole Foods were handing out snacks.

We talked around and said hi to the ducks,

the water,

and a fountain

(or two!)

On the way home we stopped at Ikea. I had never been before…wow! We picked up some Christmas presents for the kids and a playmat for the living room. I could have done some major damage, but I was good.

By the time we left Caitlin was tired. She’d been so well behaved all day. We are now at that fun age though where she tries to wiggle out of the car seat. We learned when we got home just how important it is to put the top buckle even with the armpits. We won’t make that mistake again!
We had a lovely day! Thank you so much to Nana and Granda for the tickets! Caitlin really enjoyed herself and has been asking to read “Bwown Bear Bwown Bear, Waa See?” ever since we got home. We hope to make it to another couple of shows in the spring.


Agate Lake Girl said...

Rylee went to a similar show last year. They are fun. If you ever want to do some Ikea damage, let me know. I live less than 5 minutes from there, plus I love me some Ikea! :)

Michelle said...

What a fun show! I'm going to have to check and see if they have anything like that here. Two of Ava's favorite books these days are Brown Bear and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. She loves fruit thus her love of the Caterpillar and she too loves animals and animal sounds thus Brown Bear. It looks like you had a wonderful day!