Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Love those Baby Blues

I think I've told this story here before....but I'm going to tell it again anyway!

When I was pregnant, someone in my family passed wondered aloud what color eyes the baby would have being as the Irishman has brown eyes...

His eyes are blue. Oops.

Then a few weeks later someone in his family wondered aloud what color eyes the baby would have being as "Jenny has brown eyes"...

My eyes are blue. Oops.

We both got a chuckle about it.
But yes, her eyes are blue.


Thank you Aunt Julie for the lovely dress!
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Julie Elizabeth said...

Goodness, she fits into it already?!?! She sure is growing like a weed! I expected to see it maybe four months from now!

I think I'm going to spend my Friday off printing out pictures of that beautiful girl, and spend some time at work saturday bedecking the corkboard next to my desk with Miss Caitlin :)

Caitlin said...

Oh I love the bow! Baby girls have the best accessories!