Saturday, May 8, 2010


I am really looking forward to the summer.

I mean I am REALLY looking forward to the summer.

I cannot wait to have more time with Caitlin. I think about it all the time.

I am teaching drama for a four-week afternoon camp like last year, but even then my mornings are free.

The day care asks that kids be dropped off by 9am. They said that later drop off would be at the teacher's discretion. I have been coming in with baked goods every Monday. I haven't brought up the issue yet. I'm still bribing waiting.

I've started researching things to do. Library story times, play places, parks, programs...

Last weekend I read about a site where you can find local playgroups. We have lots of friends with babies, but all the babies are a year or more older than Caitlin. She is the youngest in the group and I thought it would be nice to try to find a group with younger babies.

It was free registration so I thought I would give it a try.

This is the e-mail I got back:
(Sort of...I removed the names and made up my own)

Your request to join **Name of Group Here** was declined.

The person who declined your request, **Name of spokesperson here**, said:
Thank you so much for your interest in **Playgroup Divas**. We are currently not accepting new members. We are a very small group of Moms and feel we have not had sufficient time to welcome and orientate the recent new additions. If anyone leaves the group we will be sure to check back with you.
Thank you for understanding,
**Three women not interested in meeting you**

I FAILED my playgroup application. Ouch!

Let's hope preschool isn't as tough...
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Heather said...

How rude of the playgroup! Perhaps there are some young babies in your parish?

Mauree said...

You should check to see if there is a Mom's club in your area. I was a member in LR and now in Fay. It is a great organization and I love it just for the email list serve...I learn all kinds of things from the moms.

Caitlin said...

Ouch! How mean! Do you have a branch of the Mommies Network by you? They are much more welcoming and have lots of different play dates.

Soni Krasky said...

Well... you should hang out with me and my mommy's group!!! :)

Agate Lake Girl said...

You'll find nice mom's just by being out with Caitlin places - you'll see. And even though Rylee is older, we promise not to "deny" you any play dates! :)

Rachel said...

Wow -- that is crazy! I would think that they would just take their group down rather than send a message like that. Geez