Friday, September 19, 2008

Twenty-Nine the First Time

When I was a kid my dad always told us he was "29 and holding until the day I turned 18." Well, I guess that means I am now 29 for the first time!

I had a fantastic birthday! It started Sunday with dinner at my grandparent's house. I got to share the party with my Uncle Lee. I got homemade gifts from my grandparents this year and I love them! Grandpa Boo made me a Square Foot Garden box. Now I just have to fill the box and start gardening! Grandma Betty made me a quilted cell phone holder (that is just perfect) and her special triangle bag. It all makes me smile!

Morgan got me the Brighton watch I'd wanted. I was most impressed that he (a)picked out the correct watch and (b)had to actually drive to the mall to get it. I've mentioned Morgan's driving before - I think this may be the first gift I've gotten that was not ordered online!

On the way to school I stopped at our usual light and Morgan hopped out of the car. He shut the door he wished me a happy birthday and told me to check my purse. By this point the light has turned green and I am trying to drive, check my purse, and make sure Morgan got across the street without getting hit. I found a James Avery box in my purse with the ring I've had my eye on for the last couple of years. This meant I was driving down the road trying to take off my claddagh ring, put on my new ring, call Morgan to say thank you, and get to work close to on time. What a treat!

I got to school to find all sorts of goodies. My class was in such great spirits. (And well behaved!) My room mom sent in a dozen roses and a cupcake cake with a frog on it. She sent in a '?' candle, but all my kids know my age. The '?' just confused them!

I am very big on not opening my presents until my birthday. Mom sent my present with Jason when he came to visit in March. I knew what it was, but I did not open it until my birthday. (Mom and Morgan couldn't believe I waited!) I am looking forward to playing with the Cricut this weekend!

I finished my birthday with dinner at Sue's house. Our friend Laura and I have the same birthday, so Sue holds a party for us each year. We hadn't seen them in a while so it was great to catch up!

I still have two more treats to come. My dad has ordered a compost bin for me that should arrive soon. I went to the library for books on how to get started! Now I will have worms in my classroom and the compost bin at home. Morgan is also bugging me to pick a place for my birthday dinner out.

I have to say, I feel spoiled after a birthday like this!


libbyferg said...

I am glad u had a good birthday!

Heather said...

Happy late birthday! A cricut!!!???That is so awesome! I've been asking for one forever. Maybe this year. :o) BTW, the worms look gross.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday!!! The ring & the watch really are beautiful. I've had my eye on that same ring for some time as well. I'm also jealous of the cricut. I can't belive you've had it since March and haven't opened it! You have great will power! Have you made anything with it yet?