Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend At Last!

I made it through my first week back at work. My first day back went a million times better than tears! Okay so I might have choked up once talking to my class in the middle of the "I'm back" speech I'd been planning for weeks... Caitlin was very well behaved for her Nana as well. All-in-all, the week was a success.

I have my daily routine pretty much set. Waking up at 5:30am the week before for "Mission Impossible" practice paid off. I can now sneak out of the room in the morning without waking the baby...let's hope I don't jinx myself here! I am not crazy about the routine, but it works.

I am exhausted. I am trying to get 9-10 hours of school work into a 8 hour day while pumping during my breaks. Not quite sure how to make it work, but I will find a way. Unfortunately they also took away the assistant we had in the fall due to budget all this with less help than ever. I have already recruited some sweet former students to help me in the mornings before school.

I have a pile of papers to grade and lesson planning to do. I tried to work during nap time the time I put away the laundry and the shopping I had time to grade 4 papers. I have about 140 136 left to go...

But we are making the most of the weekend! It may be Superbowl weekend, but we started with soccer.

Daddy dressed Caitlin in her "Me and My Dad Love Liverpool" onesie and bib for the game. Thankfully it was a good result. (Caitlin and her daddy have bragging rights over cousin Violet and her daddy for now!)

I hear the baby cooing in the monitor now...and it is time to hang the diapers on the clothesline before Mass. It sounds like my morning computer time is up!

Thank you so much for all the kind words and prayers this week. I wish I didn't have to go back to work, but it was not nearly as bad as I had feared! Now to do it all again...

Happy Weekend!
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1 comment:

Agate Lake Girl said...

One week down... how many to go? I know you're counting. :)