Saturday, April 11, 2015

An Announcement

We shared this with family and friends last month, but I figured we should make it "blog official" as well!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Annual Christmas Tradition

All of this from a red suit for 5 euro on clearance in Tesco back in 2008...
Not sure how many more years the suit will last...
May be time for an upgrade...


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Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Visit to Santa 2014







Sunday, June 22, 2014

Grammy's Visit

My mom has to stay off her foot so she is off work for a while. We decided if she stayed off her foot at our house we would all have more fun than if she stayed off her foot at her house in Texas. Caitlin and Sean are thrilled to have Grammy staying with us!

This morning after Mass we took some pictures with the kids.

We will all be sad when she heads back later this week!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Grammy brought these paint books for the kids. Daddy was thankful to have something to distract the kids with during the first USA game!

A Tower for a Happy Snowman

Farm Fun in the City

A couple of weeks ago one of the local shopping centers hosted an event they called, "Old MacDonald's Farm." They had a petting zoo, games, pony rides, snacks, and a bounce house. We stopped by right after Mass to see the fun.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day Piñata

Tonight we went to my grandparents' house for Father's Day. Sean has been all about birthdays lately. We brought a piñata with us for the kids and the dads.

I opted for the piñata with the pull strings. It was perfect!

Everyone had two turns before Grandpa Boo pulled the string that opened all the goodies.

We bought a bag of GGBoo's favorite candy and filled the rest with left over Easter candy.

Caitlin and GGBetty used the strings from the piñata as fashion accessories.

Meanwhile, Sean kept losing his pants. It got a little wild!

Sean was out cold by the time we got home. He had a blast!

It was a lovely evening!