Monday, January 14, 2013

Caitlin’s Date: Bowling

The last week of my winter break I ran errands and went into school for a while. I had a rough December and I needed to catch up. To make myself feel less guilty about putting the kids in day care while I was off, I decided to plan a special afternoon for each of them. Caitlin chose bowling.


She was SO excited! It was all she talked about for two days. The bowling alley was quiet.

(A little video)

We got bumpers. The little stand was being used once we got there, but the family using it brought it over to us once they finished.

(Another video)

We went to pick up Seanie and to tell all the teachers at school about her bowling date!
I thought I was so prepared at the end of winter break. I left school on Thursday feeling good about myself. Then Friday happened.
I found out at school about a situation with a parent. I was upset and frustrated. I left at 3:30 like I promised myself I would and took Sean for his date. (More on that date in another post!) It had been a rough day, but I was happy to spend time with my little guy. On the way home, Sean threw up in the car.
One or both of the kids was sick with a stomach bug from that Friday to the next. Thursday everyone was back at school or work, but then that night both were sick again. It was a pretty miserable week. The Irishman and I have been trying to juggle time off work. We have gone through crazy amounts of disinfectant spray and chicken soup.
We are still hoping that we make it through without either of us getting sick. After spending that many days covered in vomit I’m sure it is a matter of time before it takes me out, too. Though it isn’t draining anymore, Sean’s ear still seems to be bugging him so we are going to try to schedule another ENT appointment. The Irishman and I both have a gut feeling that he is still sick.
We finally got our Christmas decorations put away this weekend. The house is still a mess, but we’ve tried to work on it some more. I’m frustrated with work and the house and trying to balance it all. I’ve felt pretty inadequate this week. By the time I sit down at night to start my work it is between 8:30 and 9 each night. I’m exhausted.
Without going into details, I have a meeting today at school that I am not looking forward to attending.  It isn’t anything major, and I doubt it will be as bad as I am fearing. Please say a prayer though. I’ve gotten myself pretty worked up over it all and I could use some happy thoughts. My biggest fear is that the kids will be sick again. I jump every time anyone in the house burps or gags. I am waiting for it to come back.
Here’s to hoping next week I have time for a few happy, upbeat posts!

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