I discovered at 10pm Thursday night that in all my pre-baby cleaning I got rid of my Halloween t-shirt. I'd seen a homemade costume a few years ago that caught my fancy so I bought a bag of candy and tape on my way to school. I was a Smarty Pants. (Yes, I am sure my family is loving that one...I didn't get a picture, but it was a hit!)
The Irishman got to go to the Pumpkin Parade at Caitlin's school. I sent him with the camera so he could take pictures for me!

Friday evening was our school's Halloween Howl. Cinderella and Prince Charming put their costumes back on and enjoyed a few of the little carnival games.

Saturday we headed to Trick-or Treating along the Avenue. It was a bit too close to nap time so Caitlin watched from her stroller. It was SO warm. We did a bit of costume-watching, but left before the parade.

Our Halloween is turning out to have more tricks than treats! Caitlin woke up with a little cough and has a slight fever. It is probably a good thing that we didn't really have any plans for today. It looks like we'll be skipping the beach and spending the day at home!