Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mornings with Daddy

I leave for work each morning just a few minutes after Caitlin wakes up. The Irishman is the one to get her dressed and give her the morning bottle. His work day starts an hour and a half after mine, so he is fortunate to have a little time with our girl each morning.

I look forward to checking my messages during my morning break because there is frequently a picture message waiting for me on my phone.

Yesterday I got two. The first he titled, "Breakfast"

This one didn't have a subject, but it made me smile. She looks SO tall in it!

Some days I get a car seat photo...

One day last week he forgot, so he sent me a picture of him at work.

 (I should have put that here, but I didn't think of it until now and I have to be at work in less than an can just pretend there is a smiling Irish face picture here. While we are at it...the car seat photo is from the car seat in the car I drive to work, so it must not have been a morning photo message. That's what happens when you try to pull photos off your husband's phone at 5:30am...just keeping it honest!)

These morning photo messages warm my heart. I love that he enjoys taking pictures of her. I love that he thinks to send them onto me at work. I love them both. Such a blessing!

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