Thursday, September 13, 2012

Weekend Fun

It was a busy weekend! Saturday we went to Rylee’s birthday party. It was at one of those places with inflatable jumping “things” which was a lot of fun…though a certain little girl has a bit of a phobia of inflatable jumping “things.” Thankfully she got over it, but it meant that she would not let us out of her sight…or even her reach! Thank goodness the Irishman had been feeling better and came with us. I’d never have handled both of them on my own!

While playing was fun, Sean’s favorite part was the cake! Yummy!


Caitlin was thrilled with the Barbie themed goodie bag. She wore her hat all day…


even to Costco on the way home! I was shopping with royalty!


Yes, this is a different outfit, but the same day. They had Disney and Hello Kitty swimsuits on clearance. We got home and decided to go back for more. Caitlin had spilled smoothie on the pants so an outfit change was needed. = )

Daddy wasn’t feeling so hot by this point, but he heard there were Christmas decorations and toys to see so he toughed it out!


I sent this as a picture message to my mom titled, “Please Grammy?”


This one was her favorite, though we do not need a Minnie Mouse bigger than Caitlin!


This one is actually from Sunday. I got to my grandparents’ house to find Sean had fallen asleep reading his favorite book.


So sweet!

1 comment:

Agate Lake Girl said...

I'm glad she enjoyed her crown! :)