Friday, January 14, 2011

Weetabix Baby

Last night our computer decided it wouldn't turn on again. It is showing some signs of life, but it seems to have forgotten how to actually start when you push the button. I'm guessing it is another update gone wrong, but it is a long weekend so it may be a while before we can get it taken care of. I stayed late at work tonight so I get to work from home on Tuesday....but I can't do that without a computer.  Sigh.

The Irishman took these pictures with his phone yesterday morning. He brought home lots of Irish goodies from our trip. Caitlin loves the white chocolate buttons, but her current second favorite is a bowl of soggy, mushy, Weetabix. Yesterday she took it to a new level and insisted on feeding herself. We are not sure how much she actually ingested, but it was a good developmental step. (And funny to watch!)

The Irishman took these pictures for me with his phone. I got an e-mail yesterday morning suggesting this blog post. Too funny!

It is now 4 am. Caitlin is still having sleep issues. A few night's ago the Irishman gave in and slept on the day bed in her room while she slept in his arms. That has been our plan for the week, but I think we both recognize that a change is needed. She woke up at 8:30 last night and we let her resettle. It was a hard 20 minutes, but we made it. Her newest protest measure is turning on the light in her room. I guess I will be moving the crib away from the light switch in the morning...

For now I am heading back to bed. I figure blogging from my phone drains the battery and takes forever so I might as well type while I was up with Caitlin and then return my phone to the charger while I sleep.

Happy Friday!


Heather said...

Wow! That's quite the mess!

Michelle said...

Sorry to hear Caitlin is still having sleep issues! I know exactly what that is like, and I'm very sorry and say some extra prayers for you and Morgan. As hard as it is, Rob and I learned the past couple of weeks that the best thing to do is to stick to your guns and not give in. I hope she gets back on schedule very soon and hope that you and Morgan are able to get some extra sleep over the long weekend!