Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hearts for Hannah

I wrote about Hannah last fall. I went to college with her mom Kim and had been following the family blog online for a while when I read about Hannah's illness. Hannah lost her battle with cancer in December. I get the Caringbridge updates e-mailed to me and when I read about "Hearts for Hannah" I wanted to do something.

Here is what Kim wrote:

As I've mentioned before, Hannah would have turned 5 on Monday, Feb. 15. I cannot really even describe how much I dread that day- as I said in previous posts, she was so excited to "get 5" and get to go to kindergarte​n. I hadn't had the heart to explain to her that she didn't get to go to school that very day... that she would have to wait until August. Anyway, I began thinking of a way that I could make her birthday have some sort of positive connotation and help others along the way. So, I would like to call Monday a "Hearts for Hannah" day (I had always thought it would be fun to have a Valentine's themed birthday party for her, but I never got the chance).

All of you precious people who so obviously have "Hearts for Hannah", I'm asking you to do something for someone on Monday (or whatever day works best for you) and tell us about it. Selfishly, I think that this will really help us make it through the day. Give blood (or remind us about how you already donated), pay for someone's order behind you in line, leave a surprise note for someone, tell someone you love him/her and why, etc. I'm sure you can think of many more ideas than I ever could.

I'm going to try and get some big hearts to take to church, school, Nana's office, etc. if people wouldn't mind writing down how they had "Hearts for Hannah". Hopefully I can record posts from here, Facebook etc. on hearts. I would like to put these together in a scrapbook for Caleb to see someday. One of my greatest dreams for him is to really know one day how much impact his big sister had.

I know everyone is so busy, and I don't want to add any stress to your lives.... but if you have a chance to participate Monday, thank you in advance. And if you don't, that's ok too!
If you are able to particpate, please send a note to Kim either through the Caringbridge site or e-mailed to kimberly.crumby(AT)att(DOT)net to let her know! Kim mentioned that it was okay to spread the word via blogs, Facebook, etc so feel free to share! I made the little button thing at the top of the post using a picture from the family blog and my limited Photoshop Elements knowledge...but I know nothing about adding a link. Hannah had a thing for pink and purple, so hope I was on the right track.

I cannot imagine what the family must be going through. I pray that the good deeds done in Hannah's memory help to bring something positive to a particularly difficult day.

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